This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home.

Ticket 533: Define-library doesn't bind a name

2013-07-07 03:20:44
WG1 - Core
2013-05-19 23:31:17

Michael Montague writes:

The keyword define-library should be changed to something else, perhaps declare-library. All of the other keywords containing define (define, define-values, etc) create bindings; define-library does not. There is no binding created for <library-name>.

While this complaint is sound, I believe it is also untimely. Too many people, especially Chibi and Sagittarius users, are used to define-library now. In addition, declare suggests declarations, which though not a feature of any Scheme standard, are found in many implementations as well as in Common Lisp.

descriptionMichael Montague writes: The keyword `define-library` should be changed to something else, perhaps `declare-library`. All of the other keywords containing define (`define`, `define-values`, etc) create bindings; define-library does not. There is no binding created for `<library-name>`. Michael Montague writes: The keyword `define-library` should be changed to something else, perhaps `declare-library`. All of the other keywords containing define (`define`, `define-values`, etc) create bindings; define-library does not. There is no binding created for `<library-name>`.

The WG decided by unanimous consent to take no action on this ticket.