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2016-05-31 22:08:45


TBD - arrays are multidimensional objects based on top of one-dimensional storage objects



TBD: array, storage class, storage object, index, dimension, rank, upper bound, lower bound, stride, offset, start, end

See StorageClassesCowan for the storage class API.

Note that "rank" is a Fortran, Common Lisp, and APL term that has nothing to do with matrix ranks.

An array is an object with components arranged according to a rectilinear coordinate system. In principle, an array in Common Lisp may have any number of dimensions, including zero. (A zero-dimensional array has exactly one element.) In practice, an implementation may limit the number of dimensions supported, but every Common Lisp implementation must support arrays of up to seven dimensions. Each dimension is a non-negative integer; if any dimension of an array is zero, the array has no elements.

An array may be a general array, meaning each element may be any Lisp object, or it may be a specialized array, meaning that each element must be of a given restricted type.

A Fortran 90 p g ro ram uses the DIMENSION attribute to declare arrays. zThe DIMENSION attribute requires three components in order to complete an array specification, rank, shape, and extent. zThe rank of an array is the number of “indices” or “subscripts.” The maximum rank is 7 (i.e., seven-dimensional). zThe shape of an array indicates the number of elements in each “dimension.”

The rank and shape of an array is represented The rank and shape of an array is represented as (s1,s2,…,sn), where n is the rank of the array and si (1≤ i ≤ n) is the number of elements in the i (1≤ i ≤ n) is the number of elements in the i-th dimension. „(7) means a rank 1 array with 7 elements means a rank 1 array with 7 elements „(5,9) means a rank 2 array (i.e., a table) wh fi t d d di i h 5 hose first and second dimensions have 5 and 9 elements, respectively. „(10,10,10,10) means a rank 4 array that has 10 elements in each dimension.

zThe extent is written as is written as m:n, where , where m and n (m ≤ n) are INTEGERs. We saw this in the SELECT CASE, g, substring, etc. zEach dimension has its own extent. zAn ext t f di i tent of a dimension is th f it the range of its index. If m: is omitted, the default is 1. „-3:2 means possi ii blend ces are -3, -2 , -1 0,, 1, 2 „5:8 means possible indices are 5,6,7,8 „7 means possible indices are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Note that each index must be an INTEGER or an expression evaluated to an INTEGER, and the val f i d tb lue o f an i n dex mus t be i th f th in the range of the corresponding extent.


(array? obj)

Returns #t if obj is an array, and #f otherwise.

(array-mutable? array)

Returns #t if array is mutable, and #f otherwise.


(make-array storage-class [ lower-bounds ] upper-bounds)

Returns a newly allocated array with a newly allocated storage object. The lower and upper bounds of the array's dimensions are specified as vectors: they must be of the same length. If lower-bounds is not given, it is understood to be all zeros.

Metadata accessors

(array-storage-class array)

Returns the storage class with which array was created.


Returns the storage object underlying this array. Note that this may be #f in the case of storage classes without actual storage.

(array-rank array)

Return the rank (number of dimensions) of array. (array-lower-bound array)

Returns the index specifying the lower bound of array. It is an error to mutate this index.

(array-upper-bound array)

Returns the index specifying the upper bound of array. It is an error to mutate this index.

(array-strides array)

Return a vector containing the strides of array. It is an error to mutate this vector.

(array-offset array)

Returns the storage offset of array. This is the storage index of the location whose index is all zeros.


(array-ref array index)

Returns the value of the element of array specified by index. Note that this is different from the array-ref of most Lisp systems, which specify the index as a sequence of arguments.

(array-for-each proc array [ start [ end ] ])

Iterates over the elements of array starting at the index start and ending at the index end, and calling proc on each element. Each invocation of proc receives array, the current index, and the value of the element at that index. The value returned by proc is discarded. It is an error to mutate the index.

(array-for-each-index proc array [ start [ end ] ])

Iterates over the indexes of array starting at the index start and ending at the index end, and calling proc on each element. Each invocation of proc receives array and the current index. The value returned by proc is discarded. It is an error to mutate the index.


(array-set! array index value)

Sets the value of the element of array specified by index to value. Note that this is different from the array-set! of most Lisp systems, which specify the index as a sequence of arguments.

(array-tabulate! proc array [ start [ end ] ])

Iterates over the elements of array starting at the index start (each dimension is inclusive) and ending at the index end (each dimension is exclusive), and calling proc on each element. Each invocation of proc receives array and the current index. Whatever proc returns becomes the value of the array at the index. It is an error for proc to mutate the index.

FIXME from here down.


(array-map proc array ...)

Returns a newly allocated array with the same structure as the arrays, which must all have the same structure. For each valid index value, proc is invoked in arbitrary order, passing the index and all the arrays. The index may or may not be the same Scheme vector for each call. Whatever proc returns becomes the value of the storage element corresponding to that index in the result array.

(array-map! proc array ...)

The arrays must all have the same structure. For each valid index value, proc is invoked in arbitrary order, passing the index and all the arrays. The index may or may not be the same Scheme vector for each call. Whatever proc returns becomes the value of the storage element corresponding to that index in the first array argument. The value returned is undefined.

(array-fold proc seed array ...)

The arrays must all have the same structure. For each valid index value, proc is invoked in row-major order, passing the index, all the arrays, and the seed value. The index may or may not be the same Scheme vector for each call. The result is used as the seed for the next call to 'proc', and the final seed is returned.

(array-reduce proc array axis [ n ])

Returns a newly allocated array whose rank is one less than the rank of array, by combining all the groups of elements of length n (default 1) along axis using proc, which MUST be a two-argument procedure. The order and number of invocations of proc is unspecified. If there is only one such element, it is unchanged. (APL reduce.)

(array-cumulate proc array axis)

Returns a newly allocated array whose shape is the same as the shape of array. Each element along axis is constructed by reducing (as if by array-reduce) successive prefixes of the elements of array along that axis. (APL scan.)

Outer and inner products

(array-outer-product proc array1 array2)

Returns a newly allocated array whose shape is the concatenation of the shapes of array1 and array2. Each component of the new array is the result of applying proc to every element of array1 and every element of array2. The order and number of invocations of proc is unspecified. (APL outer product.)

(array-inner-product proc1 proc2 array1 array2)

Returns a newly allocated array whose shape is equal to the shape of array1 without its last element concatenated with the shape of array2 without its first element; these elements MUST be numerically equal. It is an error if both arrays have rank 0.

Each element of the result array results from applying proc2 to the corresponding elements of the last vectors of array1 and the first vectors of array2 and then reducing them with proc1 to a single value. The order and number of invocations of the procedures is unspecified.

In particular, if both arrays have rank 1, the last and first vectors are the whole of the arrays, and the result has rank 0; if both arrays have rank 2, the last vectors of array1 are the column-wise vectors, and the first vectors of array2 are the row-wise vectors, and the result has rank 2. (APL inner product.)

Example: (array-inner-product + * vector1 vector2) computes the usual dot product of vector1 and vector2.


(array->nested-vector array)

Returns a newly allocated Scheme vector whose components are also newly constructed Scheme vectors, and so on as far down as necessary to cover every axis of the array. Bottom-level Scheme vectors contain the components of array. Thus, if array has rank 1, the result is a Scheme vector; if the array has rank 2, the result is a Scheme vector containing Scheme vectors, and so on. As a special case, if array has rank 0, the sole component is returned.

(nested-vector->array rank nested-vector)

Returns a newly allocated array with rank rank whose components are initialized from the Scheme vectornested-vector. It is an error if nested-vector is not rectangular. As a special case, if rank is 0, the sole component is nested-vector, which need not be a Scheme vector.

Advanced procedures

These procedures are mostly derived in function, and sometimes in name, from ISO/IEC 8485 and ISO 17351, which standardize basic and extended APL respectively.

(array-collapse array j)

Let k be the rank of array. This procedure constructs and returns an array of rank j, which MUST be less than or equal to k, whose components are arrays of rank k - j. The shape of the returned array is equal to the first j components of the shape of array, and the shapes of its subarrays are equal to the remaining k-j components.

(array-explode array j)

Let k be the rank of array. This procedure constructs and returns an array of rank j, which MUST be greater than or equal to k. Each component of array MUST be an array of rank j - k, all of which MUST have the same shape. The shape of the returned array is the shape of array concatenated with the shape of any of its components, and each component is the corresponding component of the corresponding subarray of array.

(array-reshape shape array)

Constructs and returns a new array of shape shape whose components in row-major order are the same (in the sense of eqv?) as the components of array in row-major order. (APL reshape.)

(array-reverse array axis)

Constructs and returns an array with the same shape as array, but whose elements on the specified axis are reversed. Axis must be a non-negative integer less than the rank of array. (APL reverse.)

(array-compress array booleans axis)

Constructs and returns an array with the same shape as array except possibly along the axis dimension. The array is sliced along axis and the elements of booleans (a vector of boolean values) are used to decide which slices to incorporate into the result: if the corresponding boolean is #t, the slice is incorporated, otherwise not. (APL compress.)

(array-expand array booleans nil axis)

Constructs and returns an array with the same shape as array except possibly along the axis dimension. Array is sliced along axis and the elements of booleans (which MUST be a vector of boolean values) are used to decide where, if anywhere, nil (which must have the same shape as a slice) is to be interpolated: if the corresponding boolean is #t, nil is interpolated, otherwise the next slice is incorporated. The size of booleans MUST be equal to the value of the axis dimension in the result. (APL expand.)

(array-rearrange array vector axis)

Constructs and returns an array with the same shape as array. Array is sliced along the axis dimension, and the slices are reassembled in the order given by vector, which MUST be a vector of exact integers. The slice whose number appears in the first element of vector appears first in the result, and so on. (Generalized version of APL rotate.)

(array-rearrange-axes array vector)

Constructs and returns an array whose shape is a permutation of the shape of array. Vector, which MUST be a vector of exact integers, specifies how to permute it. The axis whose number appears in the first element of vector appears as the first axis of the result, and so on. (APL dyadic transpose with integer-valued vector.)

(subarray array start-subscripts end-subscripts)

Constructs and returns a smaller array with the same rank as array whose elements begin at the "lower left" corner specified by the list start-subscripts and end at the "upper right" corner specified by the list end-subscripts. (APL take and drop.)

(array-recursive-ref array subscript ...)

Applies array-ref to the array using the first i subscripts, where i is the rank of array. If there are more subscripts, the result MUST be an array. Apply array-ref to the result using the next j subscripts, where j is the rank of the result. Repeat until there are no more subscripts, returning the last result. (APL enlist.)

Higher-order procedures

These procedures are mostly derived in function, and sometimes in name, from ISO/IEC 8485 and ISO 17351, which standardize basic and extended APL respectively.



dyadic transpose



Numeric: identity, inverse

circular shift

rotate-90, -180, -270 on two dimensions

I/O: read, write, lexical syntax

index->offset, offset-index








