This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see JsoCowan in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2017-07-31 21:25:23

This library allows the creation and use of JavaScript-style objects (JSOs), which are chained mappings, represented using a variant of alists, that map keys (which are symbols) to arbitrary values.

When you create a JSO, you can specify a prototype JSO. The recursive sequence of a JSO's prototype, the prototype of its prototype, and so on, is called the prototype chain. If a JSO doesn't contain a particular key, the prototype chain will be searched for it. Modifications, however, are only applied to the JSO proper, never to anything along the prototype chain. Note that this value is not itself a JSO. A JSO without a prototype chain is called a free JSO.

An attempt to look up an unknown key returns (by default) a unique value known as the undefined value, which can be tested with jso-undef?. This is not to be confused with the general Scheme concept of returning an undefined value from a procedure, which may be any value and need not be consistent between two invocations of the same procedure.

A JSO is represented as a Scheme pair whose car is the symbol @ and whose cdr is the concatenation of zero or more two-element lists with another JSO or the empty list. The first element of each two-element list is a symbol known as the key and the second element is an arbitrary Scheme object known as the value. Keys are tested for equality with eqv?. It is no accident that the attribute list of an SXML element has the same representation as a JSO.

Undefined value and null JSO

(jso-undef? obj)

Returns #t if obj is the undefined value, and #f otherwise. The undefined value is distinct in the sense of eqv? from every other Scheme object.


A variable whose value is the null JSO, a unique free JSO with no keys or values. It is an error to mutate the null JSO in any way.

(jso-null? obj)

Returns #t if obj is the null JSO and #f otherwise.


(make-jso prototype obj ...)

Returns a newly allocated JSO with the specified prototype. If prototype is the undefined object, the JSO is free. Additional arguments are alternating keys and values of the JSO.

(alist->jso alist prototype)

Creates a newly allocated JSO with the specified prototype (or a free JSO if prototype is the undefined value). The key-value pairs of alist become the corresponding keys and values of the JSO.


(jso? obj)

Returns #t if the car of jso is the symbol @, and #f otherwise. The rest of the JSO is left unexamined.

(jso-empty? jso)

Returns #t if the JSO has no keys, and #f otherwise. The prototype chain is left unexamined.

(jso-contains? jso key)

Returns #t if jso contains key, and #f otherwise. The prototype chain is left unexamined.


(jso-ref jso key [ failure [ success ] ])

Searches 'jso', including the prototype chain, for the key key, invokes the procedure success on it, and returns the result. If key is not found, invokes the thunk failure and returns the result. If success is not specified, it is the identity function; if fail is not specified, it is a procedure that returns the undefined value.

(jso-size jso)

Returns the number of keys in jso as an exact integer. The prototype chain is left unexamined.


(jso-set! jso key value)

Searches jso for the key key, and if found changes its value to value. If key is not found, key and value are added as the last key before the prototype chain. The prototype chain is left unexamined. Returns an undefined value (not necessarily the undefined value).

(jso-delete! jso key ...)

Searches jso and removes any key-value pairs whose key is equal to any of the keys. The prototype chain is left unexamined. Unknown keys are ignored. Returns an undefined value (not necessarily the undefined value).

(jso-delete-all! jso key-list)

Does the same as jso-delete!, except that the keys to be deleted are specified as a list.

(jso-prototype jso)

Returns the prototype of jso, or the undefined value if jso is free.

(jso-set-prototype jso prototype)

Replaces the prototype of jso with prototype. If prototype is the undefined value, jso becomes free.


(jso-keys jso)

Returns a list of the keys of jso. The prototype chain is left unexamined.

(jso-values jso)

Returns a list of the values of jso in the same order as jso-keys returns the keys. The prototype chain is left unexamined.

(jso->alist jso)

Creates a newly allocated alist whose key-value pairs are the keys and values of the JSO. The prototype chain is left unexamined.

(full-jso->alist jso)

Creates a newly allocated alist whose key-value pairs are the keys and values of the JSO, including its prototype chain.

Copying, mapping, and folding

(jso-copy jso)

Returns a copy of jso, sharing the same prototype chain. The keys and values are shared, but not the structural pairs.

(jso-free-copy jso)

Returns a copy of jso. The keys and values are shared, but not the structural pairs.

(jso-full-copy jso)

Returns a copy of jso, including the prototype chain. The keys and values are shared, but not the structural pairs.

(jso-map proc jso)

Returns a newly allocated JSO after applying proc to each key and value of jso. The prototype chains are shared.

(jso-map! proc jso)

Mutates jso by applying proc to each value. The prototype chain is left unexamined. Returns an undefined value (not necessarily the undefined value).

(jso-full-map proc jso)

Returns a newly allocated JSO after applying proc to each key, including those in the prototype chain.

(jso-for-each proc jso)

Applies proc to each key and value. The prototype chain is left unexamined. Returns an undefined value (not necessarily the undefined value).

(jso-full-for-each proc jso)

Applies proc to each key and value, including those in the prototype chain. Returns an undefined value (not necessarily the undefined value).

Method calls

(jso-apply jso key argument ...)

Applies the result of (jso-ref jso key) on jso and the arguments, returning the result(s). If the result does not exist or is not a procedure, it is an error.

(jso-apply/fallback jso key failure argument ...)

Applies the result of (jso-ref jso key) on jso and the arguments, returning the result(s). If the result does not exist, the thunk failure is invoked. If the result is not a procedure, it is an error.


(json-value? obj)

Returns #t if obj is a JSON value: that is, a finite real number, a string, a boolean, a proper list whose elements (if any) are JSON values, or a JSO whose values are JSON values (the prototype chains are left unexamined). The procedure verifies that any JSO's keys are symbols.

Note that when discriminating between JSON values, they should be tested in the following order: the empty list representing an empty JSON array, the null JSO representing JSON null, any other JSO representing a JSON object, and any other list representing a non-empty JSON array.

(json-write ''obj'' [ ''port'' ])`

Output obj to port (which defaults to the value of (current-output-port)) in JSON format. Exact rationals other than integers are converted to inexact numbers before being output. The null JSO is output as the keyword null. If obj is not a JSON value, an error is signaled before any output is done.

(json-read [ prototype [ port ] ])

Reads the JSON representation of a JSON value from port (which defaults to the value of (current-input-port)) and returns the appropriate value. Any leading whitespace is skipped. Integers are returned as exact numbers in accordance with Scheme rules; all other JSON numbers are returned as inexact numbers. The keyword null is returned as the null JSO. If the representation is not syntactically correct JSON, an error is signaled. If the an end of file is read from port, then if nothing has been read yet an end-of-file object is returned; otherwise, an error that satisfies file-error? is signaled.

Any JSOs returned are created with prototype, or as free JSOs if prototype is the undefined value or omitted.