This site is a static rendering of the Trac instance that was used by R7RS-WG1 for its work on R7RS-small (PDF), which was ratified in 2013. For more information, see Home. For a version of this page that may be more recent, see RevoteDocket in WG2's repo for R7RS-large.


2011-07-02 05:43:00
13Add eval arguments to revote docket.history

WG2 Revote Docket

This docket contains work items that WG2 has not yet decided whether to work on or not. See WG2Dockets for other dockets.

Undefined value API:

Multiple producers in call-with-values

let-values, let*-values:

equal=? (like equal? but with = instead of eqv? on numbers):

Custom I/O ports:

Testing function arity:


User-specified syntax-transformers:

Immutable data:

Port encodings, buffering, line ending control:

Evaluator arguments to procedures like load.